EcoSmart™ Stud Production Started!

If you have been following us on social media, we announced last summer that Vaagen Timbers in Colville, Washington, was going to be our first production facility. That ended up not working out because Vaagen Timbers Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) business really took off last year.  So, Russ Vaagen introduced us to the owner of Woodworker Network, another business in the area looking for something new.

It turns out the owner was planning to retire, and the new owner, who is looking to buy his business, has a background in Advanced Manufacturing. Like many other people we have met over the last couple of years, he could see that the EcoSmart™ Stud was the solution the residential construction industry sorely needed.

We’re excited to announce our new production location in Addy, Washington, right down the road from our trusted lumber supplier, Vaagen Lumber (more about them in another article). This strategic move brings us closer to our goal of providing EcoSmart™ Studs to builders and distributors across the US.

Justin and his team are ready to start producing EcoSmart™ Studs and will directly ship to jobs in the Spokane area while we work on distributors for the rest of Washington State and across the US.

With Washington State adopting the 2021 Energy Code and now requiring all new builds to follow it since March of this year, the demand for EcoSmart™ Studs is rapidly increasing. We can’t stress enough the importance of contacting Justin’s team and reserving a production slot to ensure you’re not left behind in this exciting development.

You can reach his sales team at 801-455-0976 or by email at For other areas of the US, visit EcoSmart™ under the contact tab.

As national distribution takes shape, we will update everyone on social media and our email list. You can also sign up for that under our contact tab.


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